Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Baby says, "Go Cougs!"

Growing up my family would always get together to watch the BYU football games. We would gather in my grandparents basement, eat yummy food, and cheer on the Cougars!

My grandpa and uncles are die hard fans of the Cougars. So when we were invited by some friends to a "Holy War" party to watch the Cougars play the Utes, I was excited to gather and watch a game like the good old times.
For the party I made Lorelai this cute onesie! Her dad is not a huge fan of BYU he could really careless (does that make him a sinner?)  BUT I knew her great grandpa, uncles, and great uncles would appreciate her outfit.
A friend at the party passed out these slips of paper to all those who were rooting for the Cougars! I thought it was hilarious:)
To the make, I used a blue onesie from Hobby Lobby and a iron-on Y....and a little bow to make it more girly!

Friday, September 20, 2013

General Conference Notebook Tabs

General Conference is coming up. This is a special time when we can hear Prophet Thomas S. Monson and the other General Authorities speak. They will share God-inspired messages to help guide and direct our lives at this time. I am looking forward to it. I always love conference!

For the April Conference we made General Conference notebooks during Activity Days. I saw the idea on is pretty popular out there.

I ended up making my own printables so they would be up to date with all the current Apostles and I also added an "other" tab for all the other speakers who are not Apostles.
You can print out the printables here if you want to make your own notebook for Conference.

And of course we will keep the tradition of eating a yummy breakfast before the Sunday morning session starts. I am thinking about making this Blueberry Breakfast Cake. Looks pretty delicious right?

Girly Chevron Nursery

I am finally getting around to sharing the baby's nursery. We have had the room pretty much done since before she was born. Travis and I spent a lot of time on it and we had a lot fun creating this little space for our precious baby.

P.S. If you are here to read about the baby or our family then you can move on because the rest of this post is NOT about that! But come back later :)
The crib bedding is by far my favorite part of this room. It was made by my Aunt and I love it! I had found crib bedding online at that I loved but it was way too much money for us to spend. So my Aunt who has some amazing skills made this for us. I couldn't be happier with it.
For working with a limited budget I think it turned out pretty cute! We love to spend time in there and every time I walk by I just like to look in makes me smile...and now that there is a sweet little baby girl in there it makes the room so much cuter!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

He has a White Coat!

Travis is now officially a student doctor. He received his white coat at the "White Coat Ceremony" and he is looking a little bit more official. He will see his first patient in about a week. Poor person...haha just kidding! He is only doing a cleaning, no drilling or anything quite yet. Well at least not on real people.

Here are some pics from the night: 
Lorelai was not on her best behavior. She was just a little fussy. So we spent most of the time out in the lobby. Here she was near the end of the program. She decided it would be okay to eat so she was a little bit happier at this point.
Travis' dad came down for ceremony. It was a really quick trip for him but we appreciate him making the sacrifice to come and show his support for Travis.
A softball team of dentists. These are all the guys Travis plays softball with each week.
Congratulations Travis!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Dental School 1/4 Complete

He made it through the first year!!! Here he was on the first day of school and here he is chillin' on the last day!

We have 3 more years to go. That equals 8 more semesters, about 1,000 more days, 550 more tests. Okay I don't really know that but I am sure it works out to something like that...but whose counting anyways. 

We are enjoying this stage of our life and are going to make the most of it. (You caught me on a good day...I don't always feel so positive). No really though we have made a lot of good friends this past year, added a sweet baby to our family, bought a house, and made lots of fun memories! So ya we are enjoying this time in our lives.

Here are a few pictures from his first year:
That's right those glasses called loupes cost us a pretty penny a really pretty penny!
He won the ping pong tournament. All the UNLV Dental School Students could participate and he came out on top and won this sweet trophy and all the glory that comes with winning a tournament this huge :)

AND....He did some stuff with teeth.He gave injections to other students and received injections from other students (that right there would scare me away from dental school). In fact his jaw is still sore from the last injection his classmate gave him. That was 5 days ago!

Congratulations on finishing your first year! Don't worry we will stick with you for the next 3!!