Tuesday, July 16, 2013

She is Here!!

Our precious baby girl has arrived!! And here is how it all went down...
The morning of June 1st we went for what I was calling "a labor inducing walk". Here we are getting ready to leave.  Travis didn't believe the walk would work...but I was very hopeful. I wanted to meet our little girl. I really wasn't that uncomfortable I was just very anxious to meet my baby! So we went for a pretty long walk down to the park played, at the splash pad a little, and walked home.
About 3 o'clock that afternoon my water broke. I wasn't really sure what was going on. It wasn't the whole rush of water I was expecting...but after sometime I knew I had either lost all control of my bladder or my water had broke:) So we grabbed our bags...which thankfully we had packed the day before and we headed to the hospital! We were very excited/nervous/couldn't believe it was actually happening.
We got to the hospital and sure enough my water had broke. We were admitted and they started pitocin to get things moving. Here we are all checked in and ready to get the pain started :)
A short 12 hours later....sweet baby Lorelai was born!!! She weighed 7 pounds 1 ounce and was 19.5 inches long. She was 9 days early.
Finally get to snuggle my baby girl!
Travis and his baby girl... Immediately after she was born he went right over and watched as they weighed and measured her and cleaned her up. He never left her side....it was sweet!!
My mom and little brother were at the hospital too. I had called my mom when my water broke and they drove through the night to be there for her birth. 
All clean after her bath! I love all of her hair :)
Our first family picture!!

We feel so blessed to have such a precious and healthy baby as a part of our family. We couldn't stop staring at her and we probably told her she was cute about a 100 hundred times!! We love her so much and already can't imagine life without her!

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