Monday, October 14, 2013

Monogram Wall Decor

A craft/decor post: When we first moved into our house the rooms were covered with nasty wallpaper. Yes, nasty is the right word! We promptly removed that and then I needed something for our room that would cover a lot of space but wouldn't cost too much & this is what I came up with.

What I used:
- A cork board that I got at Home Goods. 
- Letters from Hobby Lobby
- Spray paint (if you want)
- Pushpins
- Ceramic flowers or some sort of embellishment
1st: Get a cork board.
2nd: Get letters at Hobby Lobby. They were a brown metallic color but I sprayed them white to match our room better.
3rd: Get these push pins from Target. They fit perfectly into the back holes of the letters.
4th: Push the pins into the holes on the back of the letter and stick the letter up onto your cork board. This way if you ever want to switch it out you can just take the letters off and add something new. 
5th: Add an embellishment. I bought these ceramic flowers from Target. I planned to glue a larger flat tack on the back and stick them to the board. I got impatient though so I just hot glued them on.
The finished product: