Thursday, September 19, 2013

He has a White Coat!

Travis is now officially a student doctor. He received his white coat at the "White Coat Ceremony" and he is looking a little bit more official. He will see his first patient in about a week. Poor person...haha just kidding! He is only doing a cleaning, no drilling or anything quite yet. Well at least not on real people.

Here are some pics from the night: 
Lorelai was not on her best behavior. She was just a little fussy. So we spent most of the time out in the lobby. Here she was near the end of the program. She decided it would be okay to eat so she was a little bit happier at this point.
Travis' dad came down for ceremony. It was a really quick trip for him but we appreciate him making the sacrifice to come and show his support for Travis.
A softball team of dentists. These are all the guys Travis plays softball with each week.
Congratulations Travis!

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