Lorelai is a busy girl. Here are some of the things that she has been up to lately:
Balancing on dad's push-up bars. That takes some talent to climb up on those and stay balanced.
Eat bananas. A favorite treat lately.
Play at the mall play place. Although this can be a little dangerous. She was bit by a little girl one day and another day a boy tried to push her down the stairs from the top of the slide.
Play at the park. She could go down the slide over and over all day long if we would let her. She will go down big slides all by herself too.
Go visit the puppies at Pet's Mart or Petland, although Pet's Mart smells a lot better than Petland. The white puppy in this picture loved Lorelai. It would follow Lorelai around and come right up to the window and look at her everytime we came by.
This is my favorite :) Read books. She will crawl up into her little chair and sit and read books. She babbles and turns pages and it is so cute.