I love being a mom.
I have always wanted to be a mom and growing up my friends, cousins, and I would play house all the time pretending to be mothers to loads of babies. In college, I had the hardest time deciding what I wanted to study because what I really wanted was to be a mom. I love learning and I understand the importance of an education but in the back of my mind I always knew that if possible I wanted to be a stay at home mom.
This past year I was blessed with a beautiful baby girl and my dreams of being a mother finally came true. I understand that sounds a bit clique but I really am living my dream right now. Lorelai has changed me in so many ways. She has shown me my weaknesses, taught me to laugh, smile and find joy in the simple everyday things. I am so thankful that I have been given the chance to be her mom.
I also have an amazing mom. She has gone through more heartache and sorrow than anyone I know and yet she never complains and remains strong and firm in her testimony. She is such a great example to me. Now that I am a mom, my appreciation for what she has done for me has increased and I now realize even more how difficult times in her life must have been. She was always a great mother though. I am so grateful for all the great examples of mothers that I have had in my life. I have watched you and I have learned from you. From my grandmas to aunts to cousins and friends, I have been blessed with so many examples of what being a good mother is.
I am starting to really understand what a sacred calling motherhood is and I am grateful for that knowledge because it makes the sometimes mundane and repetitive tasks seem so much more meaningful. It also gives me more direction and purpose in my life.
This Mother's Day has given me the chance to reflect on motherhood and has made me want to be a better mom. I want to try a little harder each day to make sure that I am teaching Lorelai those things that are most important and that I am taking the time to really enjoy being a mom. To not just go from one thing to the next trying to accomplish a list of goals in the day but to take the time to enjoy sweet moments with my little girl.