Friday, November 22, 2013


This summer and fall Travis played on a softball team with a bunch of his dental school classmates. It was fun and all the wives would come and hang out and watch while the boys lost...oops I mean played. It started a little rough but they got better as the season went on.  
I guess Run DMC is some kind of cool group or something. (I am not hip enough to know for sure). So they changed the DMC to DMD because they are all going to be Doctors of Dental Medicine. Well at least they hope they are...their future doesn't look too bright in softball :) 
Getting a little pre-game stretch in. Ward, the little boy, is so cute! He is pretty popular on game night. He is always hanging out in the dug out eatin' all the treats people bring. Treats which I never brought...there is always next season :)

And who is Travis' biggest fan well...
This girl of course. The games were a little bit more enjoyable she she was not so squirmy and would just chill in the stroller . But she loves to watch her dad play. 

Beanie Baby

Beanie is a weird word... Just thought I would throw that out. I mean say it a few times over and over.. and well it's just weird.

Anyways, it was a little chilly today and rainy. It has rained for two days straight which is really weird for Las Vegas and terrible timing because we are supposed to have family pictures... That was a tangent back to the beanie (see it's weird). 

Anyways, it was a little cooler like 50 degrees (so not that cold). But we had this cute beanie and it needed to be worn. It makes her already large head even bigger but she is a cute beanie baby!!

And that's go say beanie a few times! 

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

You know you have...

You know you have...a dentist husband when he brings home a 12 pack of toothpaste. 
You know you have...a baby when your living room looks like this. 
 You know you have...a baby that is teething when she attacks everything you put in front of her.

You know you have...some explaining to do when you post a picture on your blog of your husband picking his nose.
Here babe I'll just explain on here so everyone knows and your pride isn't crushed to badly. He had really bad allergies and really was just itching his nose but that's not what it looks like:)

You know you have... a big poop explosion coming when you carry your child around on her changing pad...we had just given her a glycerin suppository it was inevitable:)
You know you have...been blessed when you get to spend every day with this sweet baby!